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Aluminum Softball And Baseball Bats With Rubber Grips

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Name of Product:
Aluminum baseball and softball bats with rubber grips

If the grip is loose, worn or damaged, the aluminum bat could fly out of the grip or fly away from a torn off knob when the bat is swung.

Recall Date:
July 25, 1975

More than five million

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Recall Details


WASHINGTON, D.C. (July 25) -- More than five million aluminum baseball and softball bats with rubber grips sold nationally since 1968 could pose serious risks of injury if the rubber grips are loose, worn, damaged or deteriorated.

The Consumer Product Safety Commission, which is issuing this warning in the interest of the public health and safety, urges consumers to check the rubber grips on their aluminum bats immediately and to cease use of those bats with loose, torn or deteriorated grips.

If the grip is loose, worn or damaged, the aluminum bat could fly out of the grip or fly away from a torn off knob when the bat is swung. The one-piece rubber grip sleeve and solid rubber knob are all that hold the bat in place.

Two major injuries and one death reportedly have occurred when aluminum bats have detached from the grips during a swing and have been propelled through the air.

The Commission has identified one of the grip manufacturer, Eaton Corporation of Cleveland, Ohio and seven bat manufacturers and distributors who used these grips: Alcoa Sport Products Company, Santa Fe Springs, California: Easton Aluminum Company, Van Nuys, California: Hillerich & Bradsby, Louisville, Kentucky: Reynolds Metals Company, Richmond, Virginia: Wilson Sporting Goods Company, River Grove, Illinois; Lannom Manufacturing Company, Tullahoma, Tennessee: and Airlite Aluminum Corporation, Kearny, New Jersey.

The bats have been sold under the various manufacturers' names with the name "Hitter's Pride" being imprinted on the knob of many of the rubber grips. The grips are black, one-piece molded rubber sleeves and knobs. Some of the trade names used are "Easton," "Adirondack," "Wilson," "H & B/Louisville Slugger," "Reynolds," and "Worth." The Commission is continuing to determine if other grip and bat manufacturers' products pose a serious risk of injury to consumers.

Airlite Aluminum Corporation, Belgrove Drive and Passaic Avenue, Kearny, New Jersey, has voluntarily agreed to repair free of charge any Airlite "Hitter's Pride" bat sent to them by consumers.


Airlite Aluminum Corporation, Belgrove Drive and Passaic Avenue, Kearny, New Jersey, has voluntarily agreed to repair free of charge any Airlite "Hitter's Pride" bat sent to them by consumers.


Two major injuries and one death reportedly have occurred when aluminum bats have detached from the grips during a swing and have been propelled through the air.

Sold Through:
The bats have been sold under the various manufacturers' names with the name "Hitter's Pride" being imprinted on the knob of many of the rubber grips.
he Commission has identified one of the grip manufacturer, Eaton Corporation of Cleveland, Ohio and seven bat manufacturers and distributors who used these grips: Alcoa Sport Products Company, Santa Fe Springs, California: Easton Aluminum Company, Van Nuys, California: Hillerich & Bradsby, Louisville, Kentucky: Reynolds Metals Company, Richmond, Virginia: Wilson Sporting Goods Company, River Grove, Illinois; Lannom Manufacturing Company, Tullahoma, Tennessee: and Airlite Aluminum Corporation, Kearny, New Jersey.
Recall number:

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The U.S. Consumer Product Safety Commission (CPSC) is charged with protecting the public from unreasonable risk of injury associated with the use of thousands of types of consumer products. Deaths, injuries, and property damage from consumer product-related incidents cost the nation more than $1 trillion annually. Since the CPSC was established more than 50 years ago, it has worked to ensure the safety of consumer products, which has contributed to a decline in injuries associated with these products.

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