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Bosch Thermotechnology Recalls Buderus Boilers Due to Carbon Monoxide Poisoning Hazard

  • Recalled Buderus GB125-35 oil condensing boiler
  • Data plate showing model number
Name of Product:
Buderus GB125-35 oil-condensing boilers

The siphon can become blocked, leading to a delayed ignition that can damage the boiler’s exhaust system, creating a carbon monoxide hazard.

Recall Date:
December 20, 2019
About 170
Consumer Contact

Bosch Thermotechnology at 800-323-1943 from 8 a.m. to 6 p.m. ET Monday through Thursday and Friday from 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. ET, via email at; or online at and click on the “Knowledge” tab, then click on “Product Approvals, Certifications & Regulatory Info” for more information.

Recall Details


This recall involves Buderus brand GB125-35 oil-condensing boilers distributed by Bosch.  The boilers have a blue enclosure, and the GB125-35 model number is located on the data plate near the top right hand side of the boiler.  The Buderus brand name is printed on the outside of the boiler’s blue enclosure. Bosch Thermotechnology and the model number are printed on a white label on the blue enclosure.


Consumers should immediately contact Bosch for a free repair.  Consumers who continue to use the boilers while awaiting repair should have a working carbon monoxide alarm installed outside of sleeping areas in the home.


None reported in the U.S.

Sold At:
Wholesale distributors and installed by independent contractors nationwide from June 2008 through September 2012 for about $6,000.
Bosch Thermotechnik GmbH, of Germany

Bosch Thermotechnology Corp., of Watertown, Mass.

Bosch Thermotechnology Corp., of Watertown, Mass.
Manufactured In:
Recall number:

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