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Casablanca Recalls Ceiling Fans

  • Casablanca ceiling fan model and date code location
  • Casablanca fan model number and factory code label
  • Casablanca ceiling fan date code
  • Casablanca green inspection dot
Name of Product:
Casablanca ceiling fans
The fan motor and attached blades can separate from the adapter when operating in reverse updraft mode, causing the fan motor and blades to fall, posing an injury hazard.
Recall Date:
December 17, 2015
About 30,000
Consumer Contact

Casablanca toll-free at 855-800-3789 from 8 a.m. to 8 p.m. ET Monday through Friday or online at and click on the "Safety & Recall" tab at the bottom of the page for more information.   

Recall Details


This recall involves 43 models of Casablanca ceiling fans manufactured in 2013 and 2014. Casablanca fan styles including: Alessandria, Aris, Bel Air, Bullet, Caneel Bay, Heritage, Isotope, Riello, Stealth, Tercera, Trident, Whitman and Zudio.  Affected models have a gold label on top of the motor housing that includes "Casablanca" and a model number.  Some Casablanca models also have the Casablanca logo on the switch housing or on the end of the pull chain.  The production date code is a four digit code on top of the motor housing near the center down rod. Fans with a Cat. No. "A01", the last two digits of the four digit date code ending in "13" or "14" and no green dot on top of the motor housing are included in the recall.  

Casablanca ceiling fan model numbers and production dates included in this recall are:


Model Numbers

Production Date = last two digits of production code

Factory Code

Green Dot on Motor Housing

59018, 59019, 59020, 59021, 59022, 59023, 59057, 59059, 59060, 59061, 59062, 59064, 59065, 59068, 59069, 59070, 59076, 59077, 59078, 59081 59082, 59083, 59090, 59091, 59092, 59093, 59094, 59105, 59106, 59107, 59109, 59110, 59111, 59113, 59114, 59119, 59121, 59123, 59124, 59164, 59165, 59527, 59528

Production codes xx13 and xx14




For all Isotope model ceiling fans (model numbers: 59018, 59019, 59020, 59021, 59022, 59023), the canopy ring next to the ceiling must be twisted and lowered to see the product information labels and the presence of a green dot.  


Consumers should immediately stop using the recalled ceiling fans and contact Casablanca for a free in-home inspection and repair.


Casablanca has received eight reports of the fan motor and blades falling, including one report of minor injury and one report of minor property damage.  

Sold At:
Lighting store showrooms nationwide and major home improvement online retailers from January 2013 through December 2014 for between $350 and $620.

Casablanca Fan Company, of Memphis, Tenn.

Manufactured In:
Recall number:

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The U.S. Consumer Product Safety Commission (CPSC) is charged with protecting the public from unreasonable risk of injury associated with the use of thousands of types of consumer products. Deaths, injuries, and property damage from consumer product-related incidents cost the nation more than $1 trillion annually. Since the CPSC was established more than 50 years ago, it has worked to ensure the safety of consumer products, which has contributed to a decline in injuries associated with these products.

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