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Gree Reannounces Dehumidifier Recall Following 450 Fires and $19 Million in Property Damage; Brand Names Include Frigidaire, Soleus Air, Kenmore and Others

  • Soleus Air
  • Frigidaire
  • Delonghi
  • Superclima
  • Danby
  • Fedders
Name of Product:

The dehumidifier can overheat, smoke and catch fire, posing serious fire and burn hazards to consumers.

Recall Date:
November 29, 2016

About 2.5 million (in addition, 55,000 were sold in Canada) This recall was first announced in September 2013, updated in October 2013 and expanded in January 2014.

Consumer Contact

Gree toll-free at (866) 853-2802 from 8 a.m. to 6 p.m. ET Monday through Friday or online at​  and click on Recall for more information. 

Recall Details


This recall involves 20, 25, 30, 40, 45, 50, 65 and 70-pint dehumidifiers with brand names Danby, De’Longhi, Fedders, Fellini, Frigidaire, GE, Gree, Kenmore, Norpole, Premiere, Seabreeze, SoleusAir and SuperClima.  Recalled model numbers and date codes are listed below. The brand name and the pint capacity are printed on the front of the dehumidifier. The model number and date code are printed on a sticker on the back, front or side of the unit. The dehumidifiers are white, beige, gray or black plastic and measure between 19 and 24 inches tall, 13 and 15 inches wide, and 9 and 11 inches deep. 



Danby or Premiere

Model number                      Capacity                     Date code range   

DDR3011                               30-pint                                    All units

DDR30P                                 30-pint                                    All units

DDR4511                               45-pint                                    All units

DDR45P                                 45-pint                        All units

DDR6511                               65-pint                                    All units

DDR65CHP                           65-pint                                    All units


De’Longhi or SuperClima

Model number                      Capacity                     Date code range

DDSE30                                  30-pint                                    All units

DDSE40                                  40-pint                                    All units

DG50                                      50-pint                                    All units



Model number                      Capacity                     Date code range

FEDH-MAH030-C15                        30-pint                                    All units

FEDH-MAH070-C15                        70-pint                                    All units



Model number                      Capacity                     Date code range

13-06030                                 50-pint                                    All units

13-06031                                 70-pint                                    All units



Model number                      Pint capacity              Date code range

FDB30R1                               30-pint                                    01/07 through 09/08

FDB50R1                               50-pint                                    01/07 through 09/08

FDB70R1                               70-pint                                    01/07 through 09/08

FDD25S1                                25-pint                                    01/07 through 09/08

FDF50S1                                50-pint                                    01/07 through 09/08

FDF70S1                                70-pint                                    01/07 through 09/08

FDL30R1                                30-pint                                    01/07 through 09/08

FDL50R1                                50-pint                                    01/07 through 09/08

FDL50S1                                50-pint                                    01/07 through 09/08

FDL70R1                                70-pint                                    01/07 through 09/08

FDL70S1                                70-pint                                    01/07 through 09/08

FDM30R1                              30-pint                                    01/07 through 09/08

FDR30S1                                30-pint                                    01/07 through 09/08



Model number                      Pint capacity               Date code range

ADER30LN                           30 pint                          01/08 through 12/10

ADEW30LN                          30 pint                          01/08 through 12/10

AHR30LL                              30 pint                          01/08 through 12/10

AHR30LM                             30 pint                          01/08 through 12/10

AHW30LM                            30 pint                          01/08 through 12/10

ADER40LN                            40 pint                         01/08 through 12/10

AHH40LL                               40 pint                         01/08 through 12/10

AHR40LL                               40 pint                         01/08 through 12/10

AHR40LM                              40 pint                         01/08 through 12/10

ADEH50LN                            50 pint                         01/08 through 12/10

ADER50LN                            50 pint                         01/08 through 12/10

ADEW50LN                           50 pint                         01/08 through 12/10

AHH50LM                              50 pint                         01/08 through 12/10

AHR50LL                               50 pint                         01/08 through 12/10

AHR50LM                              50 pint                         01/08 through 12/10

AHW50LM                             50 pint                         01/08 through 12/10

ADER65LN                            65 pint                          01/08 through 12/10

ADEW65LN                           65 pint                          01/08 through 12/10

AHR65LL                               65 pint                          01/08 through 12/10

AHR65LM                              65 pint                          01/08 through 12/10

AHW65LM                             65 pint                          01/08 through 12/10



Model number                      Capacity                     Date code range   

13-06090                                 30-pint                        All units

13-06091                                 45-pint                        All units

13-06092                                 50-pint                        All units

GDN40AH-A4EBB1A          40-pint                                    All units

GDN45AH-A3EBB2A          45-pint                                    All units

GDN50AF-A3EBA8A          50-pint                                    All units 

GDN50AF-A3EBA8B           50-pint                                    All units

GDN70AF-A3EBA8A          70-pint                                    All units

GDN70AF-A3EBB3A           70-pint                                    All units

GDN70AI-A3EBB2A                        70-pint                                    All units

GDNE30AEBA1A8A                        30-pint                                    All units

GDNE40AEBA1A8A            40-Pint                                    All units

GDNE50AFBA1A8A                        50-pint                                    All units

GDNE65AFBA1A8A                        65-pint                                    All units



Model number                      Capacity                     Date code range       

407.52301210                         30-pint                        2012-04 through 2012-09      

407.52501210                         50-pint                        2012-04 through 2012-09

407.52701210                         70-pint                        2012-04 through 2012-09      

407.52702210                         70-pint                        2012-04 through 2012-08      



Model number                      Capacity                     Date code range

NPDH30PG                           30-pint                                    All units



Model number                      Capacity                     Date code range

DH450S                                  50-pint                                    All units

DH470S                                  70-pint                                    All units



Model Number                      Capacity                     Date code range

CFM-25E                               25-pint                                    All units

CFM-40E                               40-pint                                    All units

DP1-30-03                              30-pint                         All units

DP1-40-03                              40-pint                         All units

DP1-50-03                              50-pint                         All units

DP1-50-03A                           50-pint                        All units         

DP1-70-03                              70-pint                         All units

GL-DEH-30-1                                    30-pint                                    1211 through 0612           

GL-DEH-45-2                                    45-pint                                    1211 through 0612

GL-DEH-50-2L2                    50-pint                                    1211 through 0612

GL-DEH-50-2Q2                   50-pint                                    1211 through 0612

GL-DEH-70-2S2                    70-pint                                    1211 through 0612

GL-DEH-70P-2S2                  70-pint                                    0112 through 0612

GM-DEH-30M-1L2              30-pint                                    010512 through 061412

GM-DEH-30M-1R2              30-pint                                    010512 through 061412

GM-DEH-45-1                       45-pint                                    122511 through 062112           

GM-DEH-70-1S2                   70-pint                                    010512 through 062112

SG-DEH-25-4                         25-pint                                    032711 through 081712

SG-DEH-30-2                         30-pint                                    032711 through 050712

SG-DEH-30B-1                      30-pint                                    011210 through 041310

SG-DEH-30M-1                     30-pint                                    010210 through 071512

SG-DEH-30M-1A                  30-pint                                    121510 through 111011

SG-DEH-30M-1L2                30-pint                                    010510 through 071512

SG-DEH-30M-1R2                30-pint                                    010510 through 071512

SG-DEH-45-1                         45-pint                                    010210 through 071512

SG-DEH-45-1A                      45-pint                                    121510 through 111011

SG-DEH-45-2                         45-pint                                    032711 through 050712

SG-DEH-50-2                         50-pint                                    010712 through 010712

SG-DEH-70-1                         70-pint                                    010210 through 071512

SG-DEH-70-1A                      70-pint                                    121510 through 111011

SG-DEH-70-2                         70-pint                                    032711 through 050712

SG-DEH-70-2S2                     70-pint                                    032711 through 050712


Consumers should immediately unplug and stop using recalled dehumidifiers and contact Gree for a full refund.


There have been more than 2,000 reported incidents of dehumidifiers overheating. About 450 fires have been reported, resulting in more than $19 million in property damage.

Sold At:
AAFES, HH Gregg, Home Depot, Kmart, Lowe’s, Menards, Mills Fleet Farm, Sam’s Club, Sears, Walmart and other stores nationwide and in Canada, and online at and, from January 2005 through August 2013 for between $110 and $400.
Gree Electric Appliances, of China

Airwell of France; CNA of Wood Dale, Ill.; Danby of Ontario, Canada;  De’Longhi of Italy; Frigidaire, of Charlotte, N.C.; GE Appliances, of Louisville, Ky.; Gree USA Sales Ltd. of City of Industry, Calif.; IRP of Pineville, N.C.; MJC America Ltd. dba Soleus International Inc. of Walnut, Calif.; and Sunrise of Quebec, Canada.

Manufactured In:
Recall number:

Note: Individual Commissioners may have statements related to this topic. Please visit to search for statements related to this or other topics.

If you are experiencing issues with a recall remedy or believe a company is being non-responsive to your remedy request, please use this form and explain the situation to CPSC.

About the U.S. CPSC

The U.S. Consumer Product Safety Commission (CPSC) is charged with protecting the public from unreasonable risk of injury associated with the use of thousands of types of consumer products. Deaths, injuries, and property damage from consumer product-related incidents cost the nation more than $1 trillion annually. Since the CPSC was established more than 50 years ago, it has worked to ensure the safety of consumer products, which has contributed to a decline in injuries associated with these products.

Federal law prohibits any person from selling products subject to a Commission ordered recall or a voluntary recall undertaken in consultation with the CPSC.

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