Britax Information Campaign is NOW LIVE
WASHINGTON, D.C – The U.S. Consumer Product Safety Commission (CPSC) announced today that it settled an administrative lawsuit against Britax Child Safety, Inc., of Fort Mill, South Carolina. The lawsuit, filed in February 2018, involves certain single- and double-occupant BOB jogging strollers, imported from 1997 through September 2015, by Britax and B.O.B. Trailers, Inc. (“strollers”). The consent agreement was approved by a vote of 3-2.
The consent agreement resolves charges in the Complaint that the strollers contain a defect and present a substantial product hazard because the quick release on the front wheel of the strollers can fail to secure the front wheel to the fork, allowing the front wheel to detach suddenly during use. The settlement of this matter does not constitute an admission by Britax, or a determination by the Commission, that BOB jogging strollers contain a defect or are a substantial product hazard.
Britax will develop and launch an information campaign that will include an instructional video demonstrating how to safely and correctly operate the quick release on the front wheel of the strollers. Eligible consumers in the United States will be offered incentives to promote the effectiveness of the information campaign.
Consumers who, after participating in the information campaign, have concerns about how to safely and correctly operate the quick release on their strollers manufactured before September 30, 2015, can receive incentives. The incentives include a free modified thru-bolt or free modified quick release that can be installed on strollers manufactured between January 1, 2009 and September 30, 2015, or a 20 percent discount towards the purchase of a new BOB Gear stroller. All other consumers who own strollers manufactured before September 30, 2015, and who participate in the campaign, will be offered a 20 percent discount towards the purchase of a new BOB Gear stroller or, if eligible, other incentives. The incentives are offered exclusively through BOB Gear.
The Britax Information Campaign is NOW LIVE
Dissenting Opinion of Commissioner Robert S. Adler and Commissioner Elliot F. Kaye
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