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CPSC and EGL Motor Warn Consumers to Stop Using ACE Youth ATVs Due to Crash Hazard and Violation of Federal Mandatory Safety Standard

  • Recalled EGL Motor ACE D110 Youth ATV
Name of Product:
EGL Motor ACE D110 Youth ATV

The youth ATVs are intended for use by children ages 6 years and older, as demonstrated by the product dimensions and advertising. However, the ATVs exceed the mandatory maximum speed limitations and fail to comply with other federal safety standard requirements for ATVs intended for children as young as 6 years of age. This poses a risk of a high-speed crash, which can result in serious injury or death, if these ATVs are used by young children.

Consumer Action:

CPSC and EGL Motor urge consumers to stop using the ACE D110 products immediately.

Product Safety Warning Date:
June 02, 2021

Approximately 1,300 ATVs were sold since November 2019, for $650 to $850.

Product Safety Warning Details


WASHINGTON, D.C.The U.S. Consumer Product Safety Commission (CPSC) and EGL Motor Inc., are warning consumers to stop using EGL Motor’s ACE D110 youth ATV immediately, to avoid serious injury or death.  These youth ATVs do not meet federal safety standards. 

The youth ATVs are intended for use by children ages 6 years and older, as demonstrated by the product dimensions and advertising. However, the ATVs exceed the mandatory maximum speed limitations and fail to comply with other federal safety standard requirements for ATVs intended for children as young as 6 years of age. This poses a risk of a high-speed crash, which can result in serious injury or death, if these ATVs are used by young children.

The ATVs were sold online and at dealerships. The online locations included: and The dealerships included:  D&M Motorsports, Dirt Cheap Motorsports, Scooter Importer LLC, SB Organization LLC, Infinity Motors, Arizona Discount ATV, JL Motorsports, C&C Motorsports, Scott Millington Motorsports, Wholesale ATV, Jaguar Power Sports, Moto El Paso, Thrifty Scooters, and Windham Powersports.

EGL Motor distributed and sold the ACE D110 model ATV from November 2019 through February 2021. Approximately 1,300 ATVs were sold since November 2019, for $650 to $850.

EGL Motor informed CPSC that it is working to provide a remedy to consumers.

CPSC and EGL Motor urge consumers to stop using the ACE D110 products immediately and to report any incidents to CPSC at  

Sold At:
The ATVs were sold online and at dealerships. The online locations included: and The dealerships included: D&M Motorsports, Dirt Cheap Motorsports, Scooter Importer LLC, SB Organization LLC, Infinity Motors, Arizona Discount ATV, JL Motorsports, C&C Motorsports, Scott Millington Motorsports, Wholesale ATV, Jaguar Power Sports, Moto El Paso, Thrifty Scooters, and Windham Powersports.
Product Safety Warning Number:

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The U.S. Consumer Product Safety Commission (CPSC) is charged with protecting the public from unreasonable risk of injury associated with the use of thousands of types of consumer products. Deaths, injuries, and property damage from consumer product-related incidents cost the nation more than $1 trillion annually. Since the CPSC was established more than 50 years ago, it has worked to ensure the safety of consumer products, which has contributed to a decline in injuries associated with these products.

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