The eFiling Document Library contains current and archive documents, links, and videos related to CPSC's eFiling program. If you cannot find the file you're looking for, please contact us at
Category | Title | Description | File Type | Date |
Category | Title | Description | File Type | Date |
Guidance | Slide Deck for Revisions to Part 1110 and eFiling Final Rule Commission Briefing | This slide deck provides the briefing information for the Commission on the proposed changes for Part 1110 and implementing eFiling for certificates for regulated, importer consumer products. | 12/4/2024 | |
Guidance | eFiling Voluntary Stage Training Session Presentation | This slide deck provides an overview of eFiling, explains certificate requirements, participation in the voluntary stage, responsibilities, best practices, and shares eFiling resources and support services. | 9/4/2024 | |
Guidance | eFiling Voluntary Stage Training Session | This recording captures a meeting with the trade to share the purpose and mechanics of eFiling certificate data, establish expectations, timing, roles, responsibilities, and resources for eFiling preparedness and participation in the voluntary stage. | Video | 9/4/2024 |
Guidance | eFiling Quick Start Guide V1.1 | This document is intended to support importers and their trade partners through the beginning stages of eFiling implementation by providing eFiling requirements, guidance on common questions and challenges, implementation tips and best practices, and actionable next steps for eFiling. | 1/15/2025 | |
Guidance | Product Registry Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ) V1.3 | This document provides answers to common questions about the eFiling Product Registry. | 7/15/2024 | |
Guidance | eFiling Product Registry Guide V2 | This document provides detailed instructions for how to establish a Business Account, invite and manage users, and enter product certificate data in the Product Registry. | 8/7/2024 | |
Guidance | eFiling Overview Presentation | This slide deck provides an overview of eFiling, explains certificate requirements, and shares screenshots of various processes within the Product Registry. | 4/24/2024 | |
Guidance | eFiling API Specifications Document V2 | This document provides the eFiling Application Program Interface (API) Specifications required for developers to integrate with CPSC’s Product Registry, so that product certificate data can easily be provided and managed from third-party software. | 8/7/2024 | |
Guidance | eFiling Implementation Guide V2.2 (CATAIR) | The CATAIR provides CPSC-specific guidance regarding business requirements for data submission to assist in developing PGA Message Sets. | 11/25/2024 | |
Guidance | User Guide for CSV Upload V2 | This document provides guidance for bulk uploading Product Certificate Data to the CPSC Product Registry using a Comma-Separated Values (CSV) file format. | 8/7/2024 | |
Template | .CSV Template for Bulk Upload | This template document is used for bulk uploading data into the CPSC Product Registry via CSV. | 9/18/2023 | |
Guidance | eFiling Beta Pilot HTS Codes | This document lists CPSC HTS Codes, associated disclaim allowances, and CPC requirements for the Beta Pilot. | 2/8/2024 | |
Guidance | Beta Pilot Citation and Testing Exclusion Codes | This document lists citation and testing exclusions codes related to product safety rules tested by labs to be used in the Product Registry and Full Message Set. | 12/15/2023 | |
Guidance | Beta Pilot Citation Testing Exclusion Disclaim Guidance | This document provides general guidance of product safety rules, citations, and testing exclusions. | 2/8/2024 | |
Guidance | eFiling and the GS1 Global Data Synchronization | This document shares CPSC’s plans to leverage GDSN for certificate compliance and incorporate GTIN in eFiling. | 6/5/2023 | |
Archive | Beta Pilot Federal Register Notice (FRN) | This FRN highlights proposed rulemaking for the CPSC eFiling program. | 6/10/2022 | |
Archive | Information on Creating an eFiling Program | This document provides a summary of the eFiling Alpha Pilot and proposed plan for the eFiling Program. | 9/30/2020 | |
Archive | eFiling Certificate of Compliance Study Assessment Report | This document provides summary results from the eFiling Certificate Study. | 8/28/2018 | |
Archive | eFiling Alpha Pilot Assessment Report | This document provides an overview of the Alpha Pilot, summary of outcomes, and proposed next steps. | 4/26/2017 | |
Archive | Beta Pilot Kick-off Meeting | This recording captures the Beta Pilot kickoff meeting. | Video | 10/16/2023 |
Archive | Beta Pilot Participant Welcome Meeting | This recording captures a meeting with Beta Pilot Participants to establish expectations, timing, roles, and responsibilities for eFiling preparedness and participation. | Video | 6/27/2023 |
Archive | Beta Pilot Status & Prep Meeting | This recording captures a Beta Pilot status meeting and detailed guidance for using the .CSV template. | Video | 9/18/2023 |
Archive | eFiling Beta Pilot Workshop | This recording captures a meeting with trade to share the purpose and mechanics of eFiling certificate data in the Beta Pilot and other associated topics. | Video | 10/13/2022 |
Archive | Product Registry Training | CPSC meets with Beta Pilot participants for training on how to manage certificate data in the Product Registry. | Video | 9/28/2023 |