This recall was updated March 25, 2025.
The pressure cooker has incorrect volume markings on the inner pot. This can cause consumers to overfill the pot and hot food and liquids to be ejected when the pressure cooker is vented using the quick release method or opened while its contents are pressurized, posing a burn hazard to consumers.
About 930,000
Best Buy toll-free at 888-359‐4485 from 7:30 a.m. to 5 p.m. CT Monday through Friday or online at or by clicking on “Pressure Cooker Recall” in the Home Page banner or by clicking on “Product Recalls” at the bottom of the home page under “Orders & Purchases.”
Recall Details
This recall involves Insignia Multi-Function Pressure Cookers with model numbers NS-MC60SS8, NS-MC60SS9, or NS-MC80SS9, and inner cooker pots with model numbers NS-MCRP6NS9 and NS-MCRP6SS9, sold separately as replacements. The electric pressure cookers and inner cooker pots are six- and eight-quart capacity. The brand name INSIGNIA appears on the front of each unit and on its permanent on-product label. The model number of the recalled pressure cookers is also printed on the permanent on-product label on the side of the cooker. The inner cooker pots are black with a non-stick coating and embossed markings indicating cup and liter measurements.
Consumers should always check that the inner pot is not filled beyond two-thirds capacity when pressure cooking, that the lid is fully locked before pressure cooking is started, and that the floating locking valve has dropped before attempting to open the lid when pressure cooking.
Consumers should immediately stop using the recalled pressure cookers and contact Best Buy for a free replacement of the inner pot and floating locking valve for signaling pressure.
Best Buy has received 31 reports of incidents in which the contents were expelled under pressure, including 17 reports of burn injuries, some of which involved reports of second-degree and severe burns.
Best Buy Purchasing LLC, of Richfield, Minnesota
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