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Rexair Recalls to Repair Rainbow SRX Vacuums Due to Fire and Burn Hazards

  • Recalled Rainbow SRX Vacuum
  • Model number label location for recalled Rainbow SRX Vacuum
  • Serial number location on the Rainbow SRX vacuum
Name of Product:
Rainbow SRX Vacuums

The circuit board on the vacuum can spark, posing fire and burn hazards.

Recall Date:
June 17, 2020
About 38,000 (In addition, about 4,800 sold in Canada)
Consumer Contact

Contact the authorized distributor listed on the SRX sales receipt, or locate the nearest authorized distributor by entering the SRX vacuum’s serial number into the distributor locator found on the Rexair website or contact Rexair toll-free at 833-940-2775 from 10 a.m. to 10 p.m. ET or online at and click on the recall button on the homepage for more information.

Recall Details


This recall only covers the Rainbow SRX water-based filtration vacuum cleaner with model number RHCS19 Type 120 and a Serial Number that falls within the range 22003399 through 22077889.  The vacuum is predominantly black with blue trim and rubber trim around the base. The “SRX” logo is located on the right and left front panels of the vacuum. There is a clear water basin at the base of the vacuum.


Consumers should immediately unplug and stop using their affected SRX vacuum and contact an authorized Rainbow distributor for a free repair.


There have been two reports of the SRX vacuum catching fire. No injuries have been reported.

Sold At:
Independent authorized Rainbow distributors nationwide to consumers from June 2019 through June 2020 for about $3,200.
Rexair LLC, of Troy, Mich.
Manufactured In:
United States
Recall number:
Fast Track Recall

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