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Flushmate® Recalls Flushmate II 501-B Pressure-Assisted Flushing Systems Due to Impact and Laceration Hazards

  • Flushmate II 501-B pressure-assisted flushing system
  • Location of label with model and serial numbers
  • Label with model and serial numbers for recalled systems
Name of Product:
Flushmate II 501-B pressure-assisted flushing systems

The system can burst at or near the vessel weld seam releasing stored pressure. This pressure can lift the tank lid and shatter the tank, posing impact and laceration hazards to consumers and property damage.

Recall Date:
October 18, 2018
About 1.4 million (in addition, about 17,300 were sold in Canada) (The Series 503 Flushmate III was previously recalled June 2012, January 2014, and July 2016.)
Consumer Contact

Flushmate toll-free at 844-621-7538 between 8 a.m. and 10 p.m. ET Monday through Friday and between 8 a.m. and 6:30 p.m. ET Saturday, or online at and click on “501-B Recall” in the blue box on the top of the page for more information.

Recall Details


This recall is for Flushmate II 501-B pressure-assisted flushing systems installed inside toilet tanks that were manufactured from September 3, 1996 through December 7, 2013. The units are rounded oval, black, two-piece vessels made of injection molded plastic. Recalled units have a date code/serial number that is 15 characters long and is located on the label on top of the Flushmate II 501-B unit. The first six numerals of the serial number are the date code. The date code range for units included in this recall in MMDDYY format is 090396 (September 3, 1996) through 120713 (December 7, 2013). The model code is 10 characters long and is located on the same product label. The model code starts with M and ends with F. Units included in this recall were sold individually and installed in toilets manufactured by American Standard, Corona, Crane, Kohler and Mansfield.


Consumers should immediately stop using the recalled Flushmate II 501-B systems, turn off the water supply to the unit and flush the toilet to release the internal pressure. Consumers should contact Flushmate to request a free Flushmate replacement unit and installation by a technician.


Flushmate has received 1,446 reports in the U.S. and 7 reports in Canada of the units included in this recall bursting, resulting in property damage, totaling about $710,000, including 23 injury reports with one requiring foot surgery.

Sold At:
Home Depot and Lowe’s stores, toilet manufacturers, distributors and plumbing contractors nationwide and online at,, and other online retailers from September 1996 through December 2015 for about $108 for the units without toilets.
Flushmate, of New Hudson, Mich., a division of Sloan Valve Company
Manufactured In:
Recall number:
Fast Track Recall

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The U.S. Consumer Product Safety Commission (CPSC) is charged with protecting the public from unreasonable risk of injury associated with the use of thousands of types of consumer products. Deaths, injuries, and property damage from consumer product-related incidents cost the nation more than $1 trillion annually. Since the CPSC was established more than 50 years ago, it has worked to ensure the safety of consumer products, which has contributed to a decline in injuries associated with these products.

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