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AR500 Armor Recalls Level III Body Armor Due to Risk of Gunshot Injury or Death

  • AR500 Armor Square Back Plate Body Armor
  • AR500 Armor Swimmers Back Body Armor
  • AR500 Side Plate Body Armor
Name of Product:
Level III Body Armor
The body armor can fail to meet performance requirements for Level III body armor, allowing a bullet to penetrate, and pose a risk of gunshot injury or death.
Recall Date:
June 09, 2016
About 10,000
Consumer Contact
AR500 Armor toll-free at 844-887-8824 from 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. PT Monday through Friday, email at or online at and click on "Safety Recall" for more information.

Recall Details

This recall involves AR500 Armor Level III body armor, including chest plates, side plates and ABS panels. The black, steel-core body armor is rated for protection against rifle calibers up to 7.62X51 M80 Ball (.308) at 2,800 feet per second. AR500 Armor is printed on a white label on the back side of the armor. Only AR500 Level III body armor with the manufacture date code of February 2016 and March 2016 are included in the recall.
Consumers should immediately stop using the recalled body armor and contact the firm for instructions to receive replacement body armor. AR500 will contact all known purchasers about the recall.
None reported
Sold At:
AR500 Armor dealers and directly to customers and online at from February 2016 through March 2016 for between $30 and $110.
AR500 Armor, of Phoenix, Ariz.
Manufactured In:
Recall number:

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The U.S. Consumer Product Safety Commission (CPSC) is charged with protecting the public from unreasonable risk of injury associated with the use of thousands of types of consumer products. Deaths, injuries, and property damage from consumer product-related incidents cost the nation more than $1 trillion annually. Since the CPSC was established more than 50 years ago, it has worked to ensure the safety of consumer products, which has contributed to a decline in injuries associated with these products.

Federal law prohibits any person from selling products subject to a Commission ordered recall or a voluntary recall undertaken in consultation with the CPSC.

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