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Fire Alarm Control Panels Recalled by Fire-Lite Alarms Due to Alert Failure

Name of Product:
Fire Alarm Control Panel
The recalled fire alarm control panels used with an SLC-2LS expander module can fail to sound an alarm in the event of a fire.
New Instructions
Recall Date:
October 05, 2010
About 530
Consumer Contact

For additional information, contact the Fire-Lite Alarms' technical service department at (800) 627-3473 between 8 a.m. and 5 p.m. ET Monday through Friday or visit the firm's website at

Recall Details


This recall involves the Fire-Lite model MS-9600LS Series control panel that uses the SLC-2LS Expander Module. The following control panel model numbers included in this recall are: MS-9600LS, MS-9600LSC, MS-9600LSE, MS-9600UDLS, MS-9600UDLSE, UNIMODE9600LS and UNIMODE9600UDLS. The control panel is the main portion of the fire alarm system. The software in the expander module tells the system to sound an alarm and flash warning lights. The words "Fire-Lite Alarms by Honeywell" and the model number are located on the front of the fire alarm control panel.


Building managers should contact Fire-Lite Alarms for a free software upgrade. Fire-Lite Alarms is contacting its customers directly.


None reported.

Sold At:
Authorized wholesalers and distributors nationwide from October 2008 through March 2010 for between about $875 for the expander module and $2,285 for the control panel. These distributors resold and/or installed the control panels and modules for use in commercial facilities such as office buildings.
Fire-Lite Alarms of Northford, Conn.
Manufactured In:
United States
Recall number:

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