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C&T International/Sorelle Recalls Cribs Due to Strangulation and Suffocation Hazards

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Recall Date:
May 06, 2010

Recall Details

May 6, 2010
Release #10-222
Firm's Recall Hotline: (877) 791-9398


WASHINGTON, D.C. - The U.S. Consumer Product Safety Commission, in cooperation with the firm named below, today announced a voluntary recall of the following consumer product. Consumers should stop using recalled products immediately unless otherwise instructed. It is illegal to resell or attempt to resell a recalled consumer product.

Name of Product: Drop-Side Cribs

Units: About 170,000

Distributor: C&T International/Sorelle, of East Rutherford, New Jersey. Before 2003, the company also distributed under the name Golden Baby Inc.

Hazard: The cribs' drop-side hardware can disengage from the tracks, causing the drop side to detach from the crib. When the drop-side partially detaches, it creates space between the drop side and the crib mattress. The bodies of infants and toddlers can become entrapped in the space, which can lead to strangulation and/or suffocation. Complete detachment of the drop sides can lead to falls from the crib. In addition, slats can detach from the sides of the cribs. Infants and toddlers can then become entrapped, strangle or fall out of the crib.

Incidents/Injuries: CPSC and C&T/Sorelle have received reports of 104 incidents of drop-side and slat detachments in C&T/Sorelle drop-side cribs. Six infants received bruises and abrasions to the head, face, torso or leg from becoming entrapped or falling after the drop side collapsed. An additional five infants who were entrapped or fell were found by their parents and were not injured.

Description: This recall involves C&T International, Sorelle and Golden Baby wood cribs. The full-size cribs were sold in natural, white and cherry finishes. The model number and/or model name is printed on a label affixed to the footboard or headboard under the Caution statement.

Sold at: Children's product stores and other retailers nationwide from January 2000 through March 2010 for between $300 and $600.

Manufactured in: Italy, Latvia, Brazil, China and Vietnam

Remedy: CPSC urges parents and caregivers to immediately stop using the recalled cribs and find an alternative, safe sleeping environment for their baby. Consumers should contact C&T/Sorelle to receive a free replacement kit. For four of the older models of the cribs - the Hampton, Jackie, Nina and Rita models -- the firm may be unable to supply a part to repair the crib and will, instead, provide consumers with a $100 voucher towards the purchase of another C&T product.

Consumer Contact: For additional information, contact C&T/Sorelle toll-free at (877)791-9398 between 10 a.m. and 4 p.m. ET Monday through Friday or visit the firm's website at

The following cribs are recalled:

Note: by clicking on any of the images below, you can view a larger version.

Click For Larger Image of Recalled Alessandra Model Number 180 Crib Click For Larger Image of Recalled Alex 3 in 1Model Number 910 Crib Click For Larger Image of Recalled Amelia Model Number 185 Crib
Alessandra; Model Number 180 Alex 3 in 1; Model Number 910 Amelia; Model Number 185
Click For Larger Image of Recalled Chelsea Model Number 100 Crib Click For Larger Image of Recalled Federica Model Number 170 Crib Click For Larger Image of Recalled Glenda/Toscana; Model Number 350 Crib
Chelsea; Model Number 100 Federica; Model Number 170 Glenda/Toscana; Model Number 350
Click For Larger Image of Recalled Hampton Model Number 303 Crib Click For Larger Image of Recalled Jackie Model Number 440 Crib Click For Larger Image of Recalled Jessica Model Number 810 Crib
Hampton; Model Number 303 Jackie; Model Number 440 Jessica; Model Number 810
Click For Larger Image of Recalled Lana Model Number 240 Crib Click For Larger Image of Recalled Leonardo Model Number 395 Crib Click For Larger Image of Recalled Marisa
Lana; Model Number 240 Leonardo; Model Number 395 Marisa; Model Number 680
Click For Larger Image of Recalled Martina Click For Larger Image of Recalled Mirabella Model Number 930 Crib Click For Larger Image of Recalled Nadia Model Number 245 Crib
Martina; Model Number 135 Mirabella; Model Number 930 Nadia; Model Number 245
Click For Larger Image of Recalled Natasha Model Number 900  Crib Click For Larger Image of Recalled Nico Model Number 630 Crib Click For Larger Image of Recalled Nina Pine Model Number 710 Crib
Natasha; Model Number 900 Nico; Model Number 630 Nina Pine; Model Number 710
Click For Larger Image of Recalled Noelle Model Number 999 Crib Click For Larger Image of Recalled Pagodina Model Number 195 Crib Click For Larger Image of Recalled Rita; Model Number 490 Crib - Manufactured between 2001 and October 2007
Noelle; Model Number 999 Pagodina; Model Number 195 Rita; Model Number 490 - Manufactured
between 2001 and October 2007
Click For Larger Image of Recalled Rosa Model Number 870 Crib Click For Larger Image of Recalled Rosemary Model Number 925 Crib Click For Larger Image of Recalled Silver Model Number 485 Crib
Rosa; Model Number 870 Rosemary; Model Number 925 Silver; Model Number 485


Important Message from CPSC: CPSC reminds parents not to use any crib with missing, broken, or loose parts. Make sure to tighten hardware from time to time to keep the crib sturdy. When using a drop-side crib, parents should check to make sure the drop side or any other moving part operates smoothly. Always check all sides and corners of the crib for disengagement. Disengagements can create a gap and entrap a child. In addition, do not try to repair any side of the crib. Babies have died in cribs where repairs were attempted by caregivers.

Note: Individual Commissioners may have statements related to this topic. Please visit to search for statements related to this or other topics.

If you are experiencing issues with a recall remedy or believe a company is being non-responsive to your remedy request, please use this form and explain the situation to CPSC.

About the U.S. CPSC

The U.S. Consumer Product Safety Commission (CPSC) is charged with protecting the public from unreasonable risk of injury associated with the use of thousands of types of consumer products. Deaths, injuries, and property damage from consumer product-related incidents cost the nation more than $1 trillion annually. Since the CPSC was established more than 50 years ago, it has worked to ensure the safety of consumer products, which has contributed to a decline in injuries associated with these products.

Federal law prohibits any person from selling products subject to a Commission ordered recall or a voluntary recall undertaken in consultation with the CPSC.

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