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Small Batch Manufacturers and Third Party Testing

Small Batch Manufacturers and Third Party Testing

In general, all manufacturers and importers of children’s products must have their products third-party tested at a CPSC-accepted laboratory and certified as compliant in a Children’s Product Certificate (CPC) to applicable CPSC rules and requirements. Under section 14(d)(4) of the Consumer Product Safety Act (CPSA), 15 U.S.C. § 2063(d)(4), Small Batch Manufacturers may be provided relief from third-party testing to certain children’s product safety rules, designated as Group B requirements (see step 4 below). To qualify as a Small Batch Manufacturer, firms must meet two criteria as detailed in step 1 below. Further, a manufacturer who otherwise meets the qualifications of a Small Batch Manufacturer must register with the CPSC. However, please note that registered Small Batch Manufacturers must still comply with all applicable CPSC product safety requirements and must still prove compliance with those requirements through the issuance of a CPC. Compliance with CPSC tracking label requirements, as well as other applicable labeling requirements, is also mandatory, regardless of Small Batch Manufacturer status.

To take advantage of potential testing relief as a Small Batch Manufacturer, and to ensure their products comply with all applicable CPSC safety requirements, firms should consider the following steps:

  1. Check the Small Batch Manufacturer qualification requirements.
  2. If you qualify, you must register as a Small Batch Manufacturer on 
  3. Recertify annually to continue receiving potential testing relief as a Small Batch Manufacturer. 
  4. Determine which requirements for each children’s product fall into Group A and Group B. Small Batch Manufacturers do not receive any relief from Group A requirements but may be able to receive relief for applicable Group B requirements.
  5. Visit the CPSC Regulatory Robot for help on determining which requirements apply:

Step 1: Check the Small Batch Manufacturer qualification requirements. A firm qualifies as a Small Batch Manufacturer if:

  1. The firm’s total gross revenue from the prior calendar year (e.g., calendar year 2021 sales to qualify for calendar year 2022) from the sale of ALL consumer products is $1,436,864 or less; and
  2. No more than 7,500 units of a covered product were manufactured in the previous calendar year.

Simply qualifying as a Small Batch Manufacturer does not automatically provide firms with any relief; firms MUST register with the CPSC to be granted potential relief from third-party testing. 

Step 2: If you qualify, you must register as a Small Batch Manufacturer on

Step 3: Registration is valid for the current calendar year only, and firms must recertify every year to maintain their Small Batch Manufacturer status. Firms will receive an email reminder in December directing them to recertify for the upcoming year.

Step 4: Determine which requirements for each children’s product fall into Group A versus Group B.

Group A: Small Batch Manufacturers do not receive any testing burden relief from Group A requirements. Testing to the Group A requirements must always be conducted by a third-party, CPSC-accepted laboratory. Group A requirements are specifically listed at 15 U.S.C. § 2063(d)(4)(C) and are as follows:

Group B: Small Batch Manufacturers may certify compliance to applicable Group B requirements in several alternative ways: first-party testing conducted in-house, testing conducted by a non-CPSC-accepted laboratory, receiving a written statement of assurance from a supplier, or through other various means. However, if one or more of these alternative compliance methods is not available to the Small Batch Manufacturer, then third-party testing at a CPSC-accepted laboratory must be conducted to prove compliance with applicable Group B safety requirements. Group B requirements are any safety rule or requirement that is not listed under Group A. The following is a sampling of the CPSC rules and requirements that fall under Group B:

Step 5: Visit the CPSC Regulatory Robot for additional help on determining which requirements may apply:

For more information on Small Batch Manufacturers, please see FAQs below, or visit the FAQs page.

Additional Resources


For more information, please contact the Small Business Ombudsman (SBO) team:

Small Batch

Depending on the firm’s individual circumstances, registered Small Batch Manufacturers may not be required to third-party test their children’s products to Group B requirements. For such requirements, Small Batch Manufacturers can prove compliance through potentially less costly processes than would ordinarily be required for non-Small Batch Manufacturers. Some of these processes could entail first-party testing (testing the product yourself), testing at a non-CPSC accepted laboratory, or relying on a supplier’s written assurance that the product in question complies with the relevant CPSC safety requirements. However, if these alternative compliance methods for Group B requirements are not available to the Small Batch Manufacturer, then third-party testing at a CPSC-accepted laboratory must still be conducted to prove compliance with applicable Group B safety requirements.

In addition, registration will allow companies to document that they are entitled to such relief. A registered Small Batch Manufacturer whose business information is published in the Small Batch Manufacturers Registry will be able to direct retailers to the CPSC website for immediate and easy confirmation of the company’s status as a qualifying Small Batch Manufacturer. Through this process, retailers, in turn, will be able to avoid fraudulent claims of exemption.

Please note that Small Batch Manufacturers will ALWAYS be required to third-party test for compliance with children’s product safety rules in Group A.

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