Statement Of Chairman Elliot F. Kaye Regarding Expanding CPSC’s Social Media Presence For Consumer Safety
I am very pleased to announce that the U.S. Consumer Product Safety Commission (CPSC) today is expanding our presence on social media with two additional platforms – Facebook and Instagram. With this expansion, our agency has made its biggest step forward in consumer product safety education since the launch of a generation ago.
Our presence on these platforms appropriately builds on our life-saving efforts to share trusted information about health and safety risks associated with on-going and emerging hazards as well as recalled products. Facebook and Instagram importantly allow us to target segments of the population that require a more creative and direct approach to reach with our messaging.
As Chairman, my primary mission has been to use all of our tools to address systematically and responsibly consumer product safety issues wherever and whenever possible. Continuing to expand our presence on the social media platforms that consumers use the most is consistent with this effort and must continue for us to be successful with our mission. With CPSC’s presence on Facebook and Instagram, consumers are safer today than they were yesterday. And as we continue to build our presence on these platforms and educate millions more consumers on safety, tomorrow holds even greater promise.