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CPSC FOIA Request 22-F-00391 (Amazon) Supplemental Response Cover Letter - Part I of IV

Requesting copies of all records, regardless of the form or format of such records, regarding, relating to, or falling within any of the following categories:

  1. Documents related to the Government Accountability Office (“GAO”) report entitled Consumer Product Safety Commission....; 
  2. Staff briefing packages or other documents provided to the Commission;
  3. Documents and communications relating to the proposed Recalls Pledge between CPSC and Amazon;
  4. Documents and communications relating to the proposed Memorandum of Understanding between CPSC and Amazon;
  5. All prior versions and all unpublished versions of CPSC’s Product Safety Planning, Reporting, and Recall Handbook;
  6. A copy of the current version of CPSC’s Section 15 Procedures Manual;
  7. Any CPSC guidance, policy, handbook, or practice or procedure document describing a mandatory recall; and
  8. Any opinion, order, or other decisional document entered by a Presiding Officer or the Commission in any CPSC adjudicative proceeding.

The supplemental response and its attachments (Part I - IV) are responsive to Category 8 of the request. 

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