Guangdong Zhonghan Testing Technology Co., Ltd.


Contact Information

Lab ID: 1861
dun lu - Room 104/201, Building 1, Yibaolai Industrial Park, Qiaotou, Fuhai Subdistrict, Bao'an District
Shenzhen, Guangdong China 518125
Phone: (+86) 755 27782934
Fax: (+86) 755 27782934
Email Address:;

Accreditation Body and Certification #

Certification Count: 1

AccreditorCertificate Number
CNAS (China National Accreditation Service for Conformity Assessment)L15216

Approved Testing Scope

Approved Testing Scope Count: 27

Scope NameCPSC Approval Date
Accessible Edges (except labeling and/or instructional literature requirements)12/31/2024
Accessible Points (except labeling and/or instructional literature requirements)12/31/2024
Confined Spaces12/31/2024
Cords, Straps, and Elastics12/31/2024
Determination of Phthalates - 16 CFR Part 130712/31/2024
Folding Mechanisms and Hinges12/31/2024
Hemispheric-Shaped Objects12/31/2024
Holes, Clearances, and Accessibility of Mechanisms12/31/2024
Lead in Children's Metal Jewelry12/31/2024
Lead in Children's Metal Products12/31/2024
Lead in Non-Metal Children's Products12/31/2024
Lead Paint Regulation12/31/2024
Nails and Fasteners12/31/2024
Plastic Film12/31/2024
Projections (except bath toy projections)12/31/2024
Small Objects (except labeling and/or instructional literature requirements)12/31/2024
Small Parts Regulation12/31/2024
Standard for the Flammability of Children's Sleepwear: Sizes 0 through 6X (FF 3-71)12/31/2024
Standard for the Flammability of Children's Sleepwear: Sizes 7 through 14 (FF 5-74)12/31/2024
Standard for the Flammability of Clothing Textiles12/31/2024
Stuffed and Beanbag-Type Toys12/31/2024
Stuffing Materials12/31/2024
Toys Intended to Be Attached to a Crib or Playpen (except labeling and/or instructional literature r12/31/2024
Wheels, Tires, and Axles12/31/2024
Wires or Rods12/31/2024
Report an unsafe product