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Coding Options

Hospitals participating in the Consumer Product Safety Commission’s (CPSC) National Electronic Injury Surveillance System (NEISS) choose between two coding options: Surveillance Coding or Third-Party Coding.

Surveillance Coding 

Hospital staff are assigned to review ED records, identify visits that meet NEISS case criteria, abstract pertinent information from qualifying ED records, and enter that information into a laptop issued by CPSC. To ensure that NEISS is timely and responsive, ED records must be reviewed, and data submitted within five days of the date of service. 

Hospital Surveillance Coding Contract and Getting Paid 

The hospital will be reimbursed for conducting NEISS data coding. CPSC will guide hospitals through the process of completing a cost worksheet, setting up payment, and executing a contract with CPSC. 

Hospital Provides 

The hospital will assign staff to conduct NEISS coding which can be accomplished through third party coding described below. CPSC will work with hospitals to determine how many staff are required based on the ED’s daily census. The hospital will select a NEISS Contract Administrator to monitor the coding process and ensure data are submitted on time. 

CPSC Provides 

CPSC will reimburse the hospital for 1-2 days of coding training. CPSC will provide ongoing support, training materials, and a laptop for each NEISS coder. A NEISS representative will visit annually to re-review a portion of ED records to assess the quality of data and provide additional training. This can also be done remotely. An evaluative report about the quality of data will be provided to the hospital. 


Third Party Coding 

When hospitals select this option, they are creating job opportunities. Hospitals choose the third-party coders that will conduct the NEISS coding. Each third party NEISS coder enters a contract with CPSC. 

The NEISS coders will review ED records, identify visits that meet NEISS case criteria, abstract pertinent information from qualifying ED records, and enter that information into a CPSC-issued laptop. To ensure that NEISS is timely and responsive, ED records must be reviewed, and data submitted within five days of the date of service. 

Third Party Contract and Getting Paid 

CPSC will reimburse the NEISS coders, and the hospital will receive reimbursement for costs for participating. CPSC will guide hospitals through the process of completing a cost worksheet, setting up payment, and executing an agreement with CPSC. CPSC will guide the NEISS coders through the process of setting up payment and entering a contract with CPSC. 

Hospital Provides 

A hospital can identify NEISS coders from their facility, the local community or select current NEISS coders from outside the local area in order to minimize unnecessary overhead for the hospital. CPSC will work with hospitals to determine how many coders are required based on the ED’s daily census. The hospital will decide where the coders will work – either at the hospital or at home. The hospital will also provide access to the electronic health record and chart navigation training. The coders will complete all hospital-required on-boarding activities.

CPSC Provides 

CPSC will reimburse the coders for 1-2 days of coding training. CPSC will provide ongoing support, training materials, and a laptop for each NEISS coder. A NEISS representative will visit annually to re-review a portion of ED records to assess the quality of data and provide additional training. This can also be done remotely. An evaluative report about the quality of data will be provided to the hospital and coders.



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